Artistic Staff

Allan R. Scott - Music Director & Conductor
To contact Maestro Scott, please email the Executive Assistant to the Music Director, Lisa Van Meter

Michael Mleko - Orchestra Assistant Conductor
Larry Sheldon - Chorale Assistant Conductor
June Lee - Staff Accompanist

Artistic Administration

Rehanna Olson - Director of Artistic Planning
Nicholas Slaggert - Librarian
Joshua Dickey -  Chorale Manager
Anna MilburnEducation Coordinator
James Guglielmo - Operations Manager
John Murphy - Recording Engineer
Darla Sautter - Head Usher
Tom Rolfe - Artist Driver

SUTS Production Staff

Scott Kall - Project Manager / Symphony Under the Stars
Anita Shontz - Volunteer Coordinator
Mike Jones - Sound & Lights
Jay Waller - StagePro
Rob Holter - Crew Contractor
Ric Almendinger - Big Sky Fireworks
Allegra Printing - Printing

Administrative Staff

Scott Kall - Director of Patron Services
Cameron Betchey -Director of Development & Communications
Lisa Van Meter - Executive Assistant to the Music Director
Jules Schoebel - Events & Box Office Manager
Duane Johnson - Information Technology Manager

Ginny Emery - Staff Photographer
Wandering Albatross Photography

Wipfli - Accounting

Marketing Staff/Edge Marketing + Design

Diana Norton - Public Relations
Lori Pederson - Graphic Artist 
Deanna Johnson - Webmaster/Marketing Director
Allie Keleti - Marketing Strategist

Allan R. Scott, Music Director

Appointed as Music Director of the Helena Symphony Orchestra & Chorale, Philadelphia native conductor Allan R. Scott is the longest serving Music Director in the Symphony’s six decade history. Entering his twentieth season, Maestro Scott has been noted for his innovative approach to programming, dynamic vision, and ability to elicit top-notch performances from musicians. As the subject of SYMPHONY Magazine’s article “Big Sounds, Big Dreams,” Maestro Scott was acknowledged for his “large orchestra view” noting, “under Scott’s leadership the quality of the orchestra’s playing has skyrocketed.”


Helena Symphony Officers

Eric Stern, Esq. - President
Ron Baldwin - Vice President
Alison Paul, Esq. - Treasurer
Victoria Cech -  Secretary

Board of Directors

Ron Baldwin - Chair
Kathy Bramer
Art Bumgardner, D.M.A.
Sisi Carroll
Victoria Cech
Amber Conger
Matthew Dalton
David Genter
Christine Kaufmann
Stephen Mason
Ramon Mercado
Alison Paul, Esq.
Joan Poston, Esq. - Honorary
Chantel Schieffer
Allan R. Scott, ex officio
Darien G. Scott - Honorary
William "Shrop" Shropshire
Eric Stern, Esq.

Helena Symphony Foundation

Tom Morrison Esq. - President
Darien Scott - Secretary & Treasurer
Peter Bogy Esq. - Assistant Treasurer
Joan Poston Esq.
Patrick Keim
Cameron Betchey - Ex-Officio


Jeannie Parr
Marty Thieltges
Darien Scott
Julie Reardon
Cathy Wright