On Sunday, December 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Cathedral of St. Helena, the Helena Symphony officially begins the Helena holiday season with one performance only of Handel’s Messiah. The concert features the Helena Symphony Orchestra & Chorale, along with the four nationally-noted soloists making their Montana debut.

Nathan Munson, Alta Dantzler, Megan Pachecano, Peter Kendall Clark
There are few works, if any, that have survived the test of time as well as Handel’s Messiah. Composed in 1742, Messiah is a dramatic work with little to no narrative, yet maintains the power of hope and a promise of tomorrow. It is believed that somewhere in the world, every day of the year, moments of Handel’s Messiah are performed. As the most popular work of music of any kind, including rock, jazz, or classical, Handel’s Messiah has become a Christmas favorite in the United States since the early 1900s. “The work is nothing short of magical,” says Music Director Allan R. Scott, who has been nationally noted for his interpretation and understanding of the work, and will lead his 42nd performance of the work this season.
“Together with the soloists, the Helena Symphony Orchestra & Chorale will perform nearly every note of Handel’s loved masterpiece, and we do so with Handel’s dramatic intentions, explains Maestro Scott. “Whether it has come to mean Christmas or a religious experience for Christians, or if the work is seen as an un-staged opera (per Handel’s intentions), Messiah is truly one of the greatest musical works in the history of mankind.”
“For nearly 50 years, the Christmas in the Cathedral with the Helena Symphony has been a staple to the holiday season in Helena,” explains Director of Patron Services Scott Kall. “It still is one of the best ways to celebrate the Christmas season, as tickets selling very quickly and seating is limited.”
Tickets are available online at helenasymphony.org, or by calling the Symphony Box Office (406.442.1860), or at the Symphony Box Office located on the Walking Mall at the Livestock Building (2 N. Last Chance Gulch, Suite 1) between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tickets range from $52 to $22.